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Translated with Notes and Commentary by Aryeh Wineman
8 original papercut illustrations and cover by Diane Palle
Illustration: Tree of Life
Illustration: Sefirah Tiferet
Edited by Judith A. Kates and Gail Twersky Reimer
8 original papercut illustrations by Diane Palley
Illustration: Blessed are you to God. May God bless you as Sarah, Rebekkah, Rachel and Leah.
Illustration: Your latest act of chesed
The Jewish Spirit A Celebration of Stories & Art
Edited by Ellen Frankel
Illustration of The Father Bird and the Fledglings
by Francis Klagsbrun
Cover and Illustrations by Diane Palley
How We Persisit
Spiritual Support Messages from Congregation Nahalat Shalom, March-September 2020
Cover & illustrations by Diane Palley
Siddur (prayer book) edited and translated by Rabbi Ron Aigen z"l
10 papercut illustrations by Diane Palley
Mahzor (High Holiday prayer book) edited and translated
by Rabbi Ron Aigen z"l
10 original papercut illustrations by Diane Palley
Mahzor (High Holiday Prayerbook created for Congregation Dorshei Emet in Montreal, edited by Rabbi Ron Aigen Z"L. 10 original papercuts.
Illustration created for New Mexico Jewish Story Telling Festival held in November at Congregation Nahalat Shalom, Albuquerque NM. 2019.
Rabbi Paul Citrin, in his great wisdom, asked me to illustrate the cover of their monthly bulletin in 1984. I had created artwork for the other communities I was involved with, but until Rabbi Citrin asked me, I never thought about creating Jewish art. I credit Rabbi Citrin for my subsequent journey in Jewish art.
Using linoleum cutting, I illustrated this famous song from the seder with the imagery of New Mexico: the skeleton found in hispanic culture, and the mesas and mountains of the southwest. I also added a new element from New Mexico - a roadrunner, who looks back at the one little kid from the song.
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