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Silkscreen poster
The theater (teatro) movement was an important part of the political movements in the Southwest and Latin America in the 60's, 70's and 80's. This multicolor, silkscreened poster was designed by Diane Palley and hand printed by an arts collective of the Chicano Communications Center, Albuquerque NM.
Silkscreen poster created to publicize the rights, people and land of the traditional land grant communities in New Mexico.
Silkscren poster created for an event to stop a proposed thermal energy plant planned for the precious and fragile ecology of northern New Mexico. The event was in support of the struggle of the people of Jemez pueblo.
Silkscreen poster created to protest the uranium mining on the Navajo Nation that was killing the miners and their families.
Cover of book printed by Kissing Bears Collective: Helayne Abrams, Chris Carson, Mariam Martinex, Tony Quinones,Diane Palley .
Illustrations by Diane Palley
The Lizrd's Tale tells of the effects of unranium mining on the children and families on the Navajo Nation.
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